I while back Buddah's Rapidshare Account Checker no longer worked, he made a small fix not too long ago but he didn't fix the whole problem so I figure I'd go ahead and fix what was fucked.
Any problems post here I'll fix them to the best of my abilities.
Fixed the obvious parsing problem with both Add an Account, Check Accounts.
Fixed the export to HTML. (it had an error in the HTML)
Fixed points column getting pushed to the side.
Changed the "checking account" color from hard to see yellow to blue.
Changed the help form to make it easier to read.
Changed the GUI to be a little smaller.
Changed the desktop icon.
Changed the message box on unload to only go off if anything is changed.
Added event if the account has been used by multiple IP's and closed.
Added when you load up the program it grabs and displays how many accounts in the frame.
Added checking method for locked and unlocked accounts, it will now put the locked accounts dark green and unlocked light green.
Added message box for verification on the single account checker.
Download Link:
[code][/code]You can always download the latest version there a long with all of my other programs.
the link doesn't work !